Red Cross Snivels on Behalf of Hamas
Remember when the Red Cross used to be the good guys? That was before it was evidently subverted by progressives. Now it sides with terrorists who kidnap, rape, torture, and murder women and children against their family members:
Roni and Simona, the parents of Doron Steinbrecher who was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists from Kfar Azza on October 7, were invited to a meeting with the Red Cross earlier this week.
Doron needs a medication she takes daily and her parents thought that the Red Cross was finally willing to transfer the medication to her, but instead they were sat down and reprimanded by representatives of the Red Cross.
“Think about the Palestinian side,” the representatives of the Red Cross told Simona, according to KAN. “It’s hard for the Palestinians, they’re being bombed.”
The moral equivalence moonbats use to justify the pure evil they advocate has been taken to the last extremes of insanity since October 7.
On a tip from R F.
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