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Apr 18 2022

Scary Story for Those Over 60

This may unnerve anyone who has seen Logan’s Run:

The story finds that “baby boomers leave the largest carbon footprint” because they spend too much on housing, energy, and food.

Heran Zheng, a postdoctoral fellow at [Norwegian University of Science and Technology], believes lawmakers can take away an important message from this research: the new seniors are making it tough to slash emissions.

“The consumption habits of seniors are more rigid. For example, it would be an advantage if more people moved to smaller homes once the kids moved out,” he said. “Hopefully more senior-friendly housing communities, transport systems and infrastructure can be built.”

Special camps might protect the climate from old people spending the wealth they worked their lives to acquire on a suitable standard of living.

“Income shrinks in retirement, but seniors in developed countries have accumulated value, primarily in housing. A lot of them have seen a large increase in the value of their property. The elderly are able to maintain their high consumption through their wealth,” Zheng said.

This can be exploited to produce resentment, while the standard of living of younger people declines as an inevitable result of progressive misrule, an eroded work ethic, and the general decay of civilization caused by liberalism.

Meanwhile, those under 30 are praised for “leading the way” toward reduced carbon footprints — i.e., toward the lower standard of living that the gullible are duped into thinking will improve the weather.

Covid was insufficient as a boomer remover. Something more radical might be required — for the sake of the climate. Incidentally, a mandatory death age is the only way to make socialized medicine cost-effective.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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