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Aug 12 2021

Schwarzenegger Echoes Fauci: Screw Your Freedom

Highest paid bureauweenie Anthony Fauci recently enraged authentic Americans with a condescending display of contempt for the freedom upon which the nation was founded:

“I’m sorry, I know people must like to have their individual freedom and not be told to do something, but I think that we’re in such a serious situation now, that under certain circumstances, [vaccine] mandates should be done,” Fauci said during an interview with MSNBC.

Try not to punch the screen:

In case that was too nuanced to get the message across, Fauci’s fellow statist Arnold Schwarzenegger took to CNN to make the same statement in simpler terms:

“Screw your freedom.”

Try again not to punch the screen:

This from a guy who came here from a country Americans liberated from the Nazis and who became fabulously wealthy by taking advantage of the opportunities freedom creates. At the heart of moonbattery is an inability to feel gratitude or respect.

Meanwhile, Covid mortality remains well under control, having come crashing down since a year ago. The virus is over as a crisis. Unfortunately, the crisis of authoritarians exploiting the virus is nowhere near over.

On tips from Wiggins, Anonymous, and Blackjack.


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