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Apr 24 2024

Second Amendment Null and Void in New York

We have confirmation that, having plunged off a cliff into abject leftism, the state of New York is no longer part of the USA in any meaningful sense. Consequently, the US Constitution does not apply in this woke dystopia:

[Dexter] Taylor, a 52-year-old New York native and a software engineer, discovered the world of gunsmithing years ago. He decided to take it up as a hobby and possibly turn it into a business later. However, when a joint ATF/NYPD task force discovered he was legally buying parts from various companies, they opened up an investigation that led to a SWAT raid and arrest.

This landed him in the maw of the New York judicial system — not a good place to be unless you are a criminal.

He is currently being jailed on Rikers Island as he awaits sentencing.

The sentencing is not expected to go well. To quote the presiding judge, Abena Darkeh (seriously, that’s her name),

“Do not bring the Second Amendment into this courtroom. It doesn’t exist here. So you can’t argue Second Amendment. This is New York.”

As you might expect, the trial was a farce. Taylor’s lawyer characterized Judge Darkeh as “the most aggressive prosecutor in the room.” It was not Taylor who was on trial, but the US Constitution. The jury obediently found it guilty.

Any Americans still residing in New York are advised to get out while you still can. It’s too late for Dexter Taylor, who might get up to 18 years in prison for exercising a constitutional right while harming no one.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.


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