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Apr 01 2024

Skinny Guy Tries to Join Queer Fat Club

Moonbats noisily take pride in their devotion to inclusion. Yet they are not so inclusive of a skinny guy who identifies as queer and fat and wants to join a queer fat club:

The liberal establishment has no problem letting people identify as members of the opposite sex. If he were to commit ghastly homicides and then declare himself a woman, the media would obsequiously bestow feminine pronouns upon him, as reference to the Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors can confirm. The difference is that “fat” is relative. Compared to a starving zek in a communist gulag, this guy really is fat. In contrast, calling a man a woman is not just a mischaracterization; it is a unequivocal lie.

On tips from Varla and seaoh.


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