Solving the Climate Crisis With Low Standards of Hygiene
Real moonbats don’t just shout bumper sticker slogans. They take personal action that is as likely to perfect the weather as anything proposed by Big Government. The social engineers at the Guardian suggest not washing your clothes:
Do you need to wash your T-shirts after every wear? Probably not. What about your knickers [i.e., underpants]? That depends. But more and more people are eschewing detergent to save time, money and the environment
A role model is presented:
Tim, a software engineer, does a wash every six months or so. …
Tim cut down on socks by wearing sandals, including for much of the winter. “I never have to wash socks any more, which was always the biggest problem.” Did he at least wear clean underpants every day? “You can get pants to last a week,” he says. How, I ask nervously, do you get a week’s worth of wear out of pants? “You just have very low standards.”
Very low standards are a moonbat specialty.
His wife occasionally says he smells, “but she generally doesn’t mind too much”.
We are expected to approve and emulate.
The climate crisis may finally have persuaded us to consider the environmental impact of hot washes, water usage and carbon-intensive detergents, while recent increases in energy prices have focused the mind on how much each load is costing us.
These increases in energy prices have been imposed by leftists in the name of the nonexistent climate crisis.
Under liberalism, everything gets worse. Life even smells worse.
On a tip from Steve T.
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