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Jul 21 2022

Starbucks and the Decline of America

Corporate America panders obsequiously to the leftist crocodile, each company hoping that by appeasement it will get eaten last. This contemptible strategy has failed once again. Starbucks is as cloyingly self-righteous about its moonbat politics as any corporation, even allowing itself to be bullied into turning its restrooms in public toilets/drug dens. Stores have predictably become too dangerous to operate. Sixteen will close; more will no doubt follow.

CEO Howard Schultz blames politicians. As a Democrat donor, he is in no position to cast stones:

“I must say, in my view at the local, state and federal level, these governments across the country and leaders, mayors and governors, city councils have abdicated their responsibility in fighting crime and addressing mental health,” Schultz said in a video posted on Twitter.

The problem is specific to Democrat-governed localities. The store closures are in Seattle, Los Angeles, Portland, Philadelphia, and Washington.

All four states and the District are run by Democrats — Jay Inslee in Washington, Gavin Newsom in California, Kate Brown in Oregon, Tom Wolf in Pennsylvania, and Muriel Bowser in D.C.

Starbucks has made corporate policy of promoting Black Lives Matter moonbattery, and consequently does not deserve to partake of the blessings of law & order — that is, of civilization.

Schultz calls Starbucks “a window into America.” From across the ocean, people look through that window at America disintegrating under moonbat domination and recoil in horror:

On tips from Blackjack and KirklesWorth.


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One Response to “Starbucks and the Decline of America”

  1. […] So many huge companies/corporations ran into the arms of WOKE politics and activists. Moonbattery notes that is not working very well […]


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