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Feb 01 2024

Tampons Unwelcome in Canadian Military Men’s Rooms

Even in a country that has succumbed to moonbat rule, the military may sometimes resort to discipline:

An internal Canadian Armed Forces communication shows a Toronto-area commanding officer threatening soldiers who are caught throwing out tampons in the men’s washroom with discipline and urging them to support the policy for the sake of transgender non-binary members of the forces.

Major Robert P. Ryan doesn’t like “petty acts of protest” like throwing into the garbage the tampons social engineers place in the men’s room to advance LGBT objectives. Hilariously, he gripes that this constitutes a waste of taxpayer money — as if the money had not already been wasted by putting the tampons there in the first place.

Ryan is also a member of the division’s Diversity Awareness Groups, specifically the Defence Advisory Group for Persons with Disabilities.

The ChiComs will conquer Canada just as soon as they can get their laughter under control.

There are still men in the Canadian armed forces, or the tampons wouldn’t end up in the garbage. But to quote Alexander the Great,

I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.

On a tip from Franco.


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