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Dec 09 2023

Terror Flag Flies Over Dublin City Hall

Ireland’s progressive ruling class continues to double down on the moonbattery. Here’s how the wokesters in charge react to a massive terror attack that killed over 1,000 innocent civilians, in many cases entailing rape and torture:

Given the context of recent events, the Palestinian flag represents unadulterated evil. That’s why leftists fly it.

Dublin was recently the site of rioting when one of the many Muslims imported to displace the native population took a knife to five people near a school, including a 5-year-old girl.

Dublin recently proclaimed itself to be a twin city of Ramallah. We know there are no cities in hell, because if there were, municipal moonbats would symbolically partner with them.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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2 Responses to “Terror Flag Flies Over Dublin City Hall”

  1. […] Ireland drowns in moonbattery, even traditional Irish dance has been subordinated to […]

  2. […] Ireland drowns in moonbattery, even traditional Irish dance has been subordinated […]


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