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Aug 01 2022

Trans Cheerleader Throttles Real Woman

To believe yourself to be a member of the opposite sex requires you to be psychotic, so the psycho behavior of a guy who tried to strangle a cheerleader for not sharing his transsexual delusions should come as no surprise:

“Well guys I’m officially retired as a cheerleader as of last night at 5:30 AM. A girl on the team was being very disrespectful and told me I am a MAN with a PENIS and that [guys] should not be on the team,” the cheerleader, Averie Chanel Medlock, wrote on Facebook last week.

So naturally Medlock got his massive hands around her neck and tried to choke the thoughtcrime out of her. Despite his political correctness, he received a criminal citation for assault.

The incident took place at Ranger College, where police responded to a dispute between the members of the team, according to Facebook posts from team members. Medlock alleges that a teammate made transphobic and racist remarks before the altercation, with cell phone video showing other cheerleaders hiding in a room from an agitated Medlock.

Given the media climate, it is easy to see why a special guy like Medlock would feel entitled to wring the necks of women he regards as transphobic and racist.

Bet you never saw biceps like these on cheerleader before:

Enough is enough.

On tips from Wiggins, Mr. Freemarket, KirklesWorth, and Franco.


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