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Aug 28 2023

Trudeau Regime Terrified of Trump

The reason Democrats dropped the incremental approach and tipped their hands as authoritarians by arresting the leading opposition candidate is that the resistance Trump has come to personify threatens to snatch away absolute power just as they are on the verge of achieving it. This scares leftists all the way up in Canada:

Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly reportedly stated in an interview that Canada has been working on a “game plan” for the outcome of America’s upcoming presidential election.

Joly speaks not only for Canada; the sinister globalists of the World Economic Forum named her a “young global leader.” She is considered a Justin Trudeau protégé who might succeed him.

“Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly says Canada has been considering a ‘game plan’ for how it would respond if the United States takes a far-right, authoritarian shift after next year’s presidential elections,” Dylan Robertson wrote in a piece shared by National Post.

“Far-right, authoritarian” refers to resistance to the leftist authoritarianism that prevails in Canada and characterizes the Biden Regime.

During the same interview, she declared that “the other aspect of the question is more about knowing how we as a democracy are able to thwart the growth of the far right in our country, because it’s happening in the United States, it’s happening in Europe.”

Let’s hope so.

Anything so menacing as the “far right” naturally calls for stringent measures to repress. Pushback against Democrat overreach in the USA will be exploited as a pretext for crackdowns north of the border.

Joly has condemned political opposition at home and abroad before, such as when she appeared to blame American conservatives for interfering in Canadian politics by supporting truckers in the Freedom Convoy as they protested against vaccine mandates.

Wouldn’t it be a shame if the congealing totalitarian regime in Canada had to deal with a resurgence of liberty right across its border?

On a tip from Barry A.


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2 Responses to “Trudeau Regime Terrified of Trump”

  1. […] Evidence accrues that if America turns back from leftism, the Trudeau Regime will not be friendly. But if the absurd travel advisory prevents a few LGBT militants from crossing the northern border in the wrong direction, Canada deserves our thanks. […]


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