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Jul 31 2024

Type of White That Votes Democrat

Given that the Democratic Party demonizes white men and systematically discriminates against them, it beggars belief that any white guy would vote for them. Yet there is a certain type that will. This type:

Another example:

White women are not subjected to the same intersectional hatred as white men but are still discriminated against for their skin color. Also, they are put at a disadvantage in sports by having to compete against cross-dressing men and are subjected to male perverts in their private facilities. Yet there are also white women who support Democrats. This type:

Imagine Republicans making a specific pitch to Caucasians. They would never dare, because the media would call them racists.

On tips from WDS 2.0 and seaoh.


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3 Responses to “Type of White That Votes Democrat”

  1. […] Don’t count on it. Self-hatred is intrinsic to liberalism. […]


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