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Aug 02 2024

Kamala Supporters Voice Hatred of White Women

Kamala Harris used to be Indian…

…but she has been black at least since Joe Biden was told that he had to select a black woman for VP.

Despite her racial fluidity and the prominent Irish slaveholder in her family tree, she will never become a white woman. If she did, her own supporters would hate her:

A pair of black female activists, who have met with Vice President Harris several times and previously vowed to get “real serious” about helping her become the next president, could alienate some of the “White women for Kamala” supporters with their past rhetoric as they mobilize ahead of November’s election.

Don’t count on it. Self-hatred is intrinsic to liberalism.

Cora Masters Barry, an appointee of Democrat D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and longtime civil rights activist, and Melanie Campbell, who leads the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, have visited the White House more than 50 times combined during the Biden administration, including nearly a dozen visits with Harris or her staff, a Fox News Digital review found.

The influence of people like this would explain the systematic racial discrimination the Biden/Harris regime has imposed against Caucasians.

Here’s what Barry and Campbell had to say about white women in a public Zoom call shortly before Biden/Harris took power:

“F–k the white women– excuse me – forget the White women. They’re going to do what the White men tell them to do,” Barry continued, eliciting laughter and clapping from Campbell. …

“They be smiling in their faces, they want to stay in charge,” Barry continued, with Campbell reacting affirmatively in the background. “I don’t care nothing about them, we got to do what we got to do.”

What they “got to do” is not going to be pleasant for the whites whose country they loot and destroy.

Despite talking like mental defectives, Barry and Campbell are politically astute:

Barry said it is a “perfect time” to mobilize Black voters and push their agenda “because there’s a lot of White guilt money out there.”

She continued:

“I’m gonna take it- put it in my community and radicalize my people so they can come for your job.”

What part of “Democrats do not mean us well” is so hard for some to understand?

On tips from Jack D and WDS 2.0.


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