Vintage Hate Hoax: Anayeli Dominguez-Pena
This Vintage Hate Hoax originally appeared on Moonbattery March 12, 2020:
If you are looking for a hate hoax, there is no better place than a college campus. Not only does it allow moonbats to advance their agenda, it can also get classes canceled, freeing up more time for navel gazing and political activities.
Via the College Fix:
California’s La Verne Police Department said it determined that last year’s “series of threats” against a University of La Verne student group and its leader Anayeli Dominguez-Pena were actually sent by Dominguez-Pena herself.
The threats were so severe that the university “cancelled classes for a day to “‘reset’ and deal with the threats,” the department said.
For once, there could be consequences for the hoaxer:
Dominguez-Pena has been charged with two felonies and two misdemeanors: criminal threats, perjury, “electronic impersonation” and six counts of filing a false police report.
A fraternity and its president were framed for the phony hate crimes. But no doubt the frat boys deserved it for being privileged oppressors.
At least Dominguez-Pena managed to achieve her presumed objective of pushing her school ever deeper into Cultural Marxism. President Devorah Lieberman boasts of what the hoax has inspired in this statement:
Over the past year, the university has implemented mandatory diversity training for all faculty and staff; required training addressing unconscious biases and equitable practices for all persons serving on search committees; offered workshops for faculty on how to create inclusive environments and implement diversity and inclusivity framework within curriculum; strengthened the office of Diversity and Inclusion through the hire of a new assistant director; and opened the Ludwick Center for Spirituality, Cultural Understanding, and Community Engagement.
That’s not all:
Still coming: “listening and discussion sessions” on how to “create classroom inclusivity” and assess everything through “an equity lens,” and implementing a new classroom evaluation including “measures on cultural awareness/competency.”
That it turned out to be a hoax doesn’t matter.
Lieberman said the hoax will not deter the university from its “sincere and necessary work of addressing the very real issues of race and social justice that persist locally and nationally.”
If these issues are real, why all the hoaxes?
On a tip from Ellen O.
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