Vintage Hate Hoax: Mandy Powers Norrell
This Vintage Hate Hoax originally appeared on Moonbattery December 23, 2019:
Democrat pols are supposed to impose moonbat ideology, not be dumb enough to actually believe in it. Yet congresscritter Mandy Powers Norrell (D-SC) not only fell for the 4chan okay sign hoax, she even proved unable to distinguish a right-side-up okay say (laughingly said to make a WP for white power by 4chan pranksters) from the upside-down version that indicates someone is playing the Circle Game. She was quick to attack West Point cadets and Naval Academy midshipmen, potentially subjecting them to ruined careers over nothing, but has not been quick to apologize, despite calls for her to do so.
Via Washington Examiner:
Several Army cadets and Navy midshipmen were seen making an “OK” hand sign on ESPN’s College Gameday broadcast on Dec. 14 before the Army-Navy college football game. Norrell and others immediately accused the military members of making white supremacists hand signs on national television. …
An investigation into the incident revealed that the cadets and midshipmen were playing the “circle game” as a joke. The game is widely played among students at West Point and the Naval Academy and is not linked to white supremacy.
You make the sign below the waist and if you can get someone to look, you get to punch them in the arm. They ought to play a new variation, whereby if you can get a moonbat to shriek that it is a white power symbol, you get to grind a pie in her face.
The SPLC says that the once ubiquitous okay sign is now racist thanks to the 4chan prank. Whatever this hate group decrees is gospel to many Democrats. But there is no excuse for leaping to attack the cadets when it is already public knowledge that the Circle Game sign is not the same thing, thanks to the poor guy the Cubs indefinitely banned from Wrigley Field over it. There is little excuse for her ignorance and none for her viciousness or refusal to apologize. Mandy Powers Norrell deserves a place on the Hate Hoax List.
Will @MPowersNorrell apologize to the brave cadets she smeared as racist this week? Totally unacceptable behavior from an elected official.
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) December 21, 2019
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