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Aug 09 2024

Walz’s Sick Anti-Christian Church

How morally sick can Tim Walz be if he at least has a church? Plenty sick. His church is Pilgrim Lutheran Church in St. Paul, where congregants worship moonbattery in opposition to the Christian faith:

Pilgrim Lutheran Church in 2015 approved “guidelines for language in worship” wherein the congregation asserted that “a patriarchal culture gave birth to the writing of scripture and the selection of the canon” and, to rectify the purported injustice, committed to using gender-neutral language to describe God.

Jesus stands corrected by Walz’s blasphemous “church.”

This gives an idea of how weird these freaks are:

Members of the church, for instance, are encouraged to “choose non-anthropomorphic language” like “hen” or “baker” to refer to God, and urged “not to limit these by following them with male or female pronouns.”

Even the Lord’s Prayer gets wokified:

Walz’s church also uses a modified version of the Lord’s Prayer, beginning with “Our Guardian, Our Mother, Our Father in heaven” instead of the traditional “Our Father who art in heaven.”

The Lord’s Prayer was presented to us directly by Jesus. But Jesus has been supplanted by a new savior, who died not on the cross but of a fentanyl overdose while resisting arrest:

During the racial unrest following the death of George Floyd in 2020, Walz’s church encouraged its parishioners to hit the streets and protest for racial justice, according to a social media post from Pilgrim Lutheran. The church directed its members to vigils and marches to protest the death of Floyd as well as to “come hear community updates on uprising/riots, how we can support our neighbors and how to pray particularly for our neighborhood.”

These riots were allowed to get out of control because Walz, effectively siding with the rioters against civilization, refused to call in the National Guard that he had abandoned when he learned he would have to deploy to Iraq.

Damages in Minneapolis from the riot totaled $107 million, with over 1,000 buildings being burned or damaged, according to the Minnesota Reformer.

Too bad Walz can’t be sent a bill. It’s nothing compared to the bill he and Communist Kamala will run up if they prevail in November.

Racial justice is a major focus of Pilgrim Lutheran Church, with the congregation also pushing its members to donate to a reparation fund housed by a local nonprofit to provide housing stipends to black residents in St. Paul so that the predominantly white congregation could “atone” for their role in systemic racism.

Helping people out of benevolence is good. Giving away money out of racial self-hatred is depraved.

Walz’s satanic parody of a church promotes sexual perversion that is explicitly condemned throughout the Bible:

Pilgrim Lutheran Church also takes a liberal stance on issues of sexuality and gender by sending its members to march at gay pride parades, working to amplify the “voices of women and nonbinary/gender non-conforming individuals,” having gender-neutral restrooms and celebrating “coming out day,” among other initiatives.

Unsurprisingly, Walz has exploited his position of power to attack real churches.

On a tip from R F.


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