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Apr 10 2024

Watch Who You Entrust Your Kids To

Surveillance video from Colorado demonstrates how a 10-year-old nonverbal autistic kid is treated by a teaching aid in a society succumbing to savagery:

Parents say Kiarra Jones was doing this for months:

Three kids were allegedly abused by Jones when they traveled on a specialized school bus operated by Littleton Public Schools.

They were on the bus every day between their homes and the Joshua School, a specialized school offering one-on-one instruction for autistic students.

How is something like this allowed to go on for so long?

After Jones was arrested this month, the Littleton Public Schools released a statement, saying Jones was hired in August after ‘satisfactory reference checks and after passing a thorough background check’.

Plus she no doubt helped them meet DEI quotas.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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