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Sep 03 2024

Wealthy Flee as Labour Party Loots UK

Whether it’s California, New York, or once great Britain, the story is the same. Leftists take over, they loot with abandon, those who can afford to leave:

Wealthy individuals and entrepreneurs are already fleeing Britain as fears grow over a raft of tax rises…

An exodus is being reported by bankers, financial advisers and business chiefs with experts warning that the Chancellor risks ruining hopes of faster economic growth with a widely expected increase in capital gains tax (CGT).

It comes after Sir Keir Starmer warned last week that those with the “broadest shoulders” would carry the burden of fixing Britain’s ailing public finances.

From each according to his ability…

Ceri Vokes, a partner at law firm Withers Worldwide, who works with entrepreneurs and private equity executives, said a number of her wealthy clients had already moved overseas this year, with the election “the main driver”.

They may not appreciate being left to pick up the gargantuan tab for importing the Third World.

David Lesperance, of Lesperance and Associates, an advisory firm, said Britain’s wealthiest were “getting out while the going is good”.

When a formerly wealthy city like Detroit is destroyed by leftism, it does not come back. The same could hold for whole countries:

Industry leaders warned that it will be hard to win back wealth creators who abandon Britain, adding that the country would risk missing out on thousands of new jobs as a result.

Government is an essential aspect of a healthy civilization. But when leftists gain control, government becomes the enemy. Criminals are allowed to run riot under the two-tier justice system while productive citizens are enslaved through excessive taxation.

On a tip from Bluto.


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