If Only Migrants Cost UK Only £8.5 Billion per Year
Meanwhile, as the Starmer regime drags 11-year-olds off to jail for opposing mass migration, its cost rises ever higher:
Official figures show 1,689,000 non-UK nationals are either unemployed or classed as economically inactive because they are not looking for a job. …
The Centre for Migration Control put the cost to taxpayers at £8.5 billion a year.
The actual cost is much higher. Here’s why:
The analysis covers people aged between 16 and 64 who were born overseas and have the right to live in the UK, but excludes students and asylum seekers.
“Asylum seeker” is a favorite euphemism for the illegal aliens who make up a large percentage of the migrant hordes that are being employed to erase us in Europe and the USA alike.
The ultimate cost will be the highest imaginable. We will no longer exist.
On a tip from WDS 2.0.
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