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Apr 19 2024

Welcome Home Scranton Joe

As part of the absurd pretense that he somehow represents the regular Americans that his regime has been eradicating through open borders, socialism, and the DEI ideology of the liberal elite, the figurehead of our degenerate ruling class presents himself as “Scranton Joe,” on the grounds that he happens to have been born in the working class town before moving to Delaware. LANGUAGE ALERT — here’s how Biden is welcomed by the actual residents of Scranton:

Biden’s visit to Scranton was intended to contrast his middle class background with Trump’s privileged upbringing. Marxists forget that in America, it isn’t where you start; it’s where you end up.

Creepy Joe represents the decadent rich. The wealthiest have grown wealthier with him in office, whereas the rest of us have been incrementally impoverished by inflation. In contrast, Trump represents resistance to their misrule, which is why they hate him so much.

On a tip from WDS 2.0 and Jester.


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