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Jun 11 2024

What Dems Have Military Doing Instead of Defending USA

America has the most expensive military in the world yet has put up no defense against the largest invasion in human history. How is this possible? It’s all a matter of who is charge. This gives an idea of who is charting the course for the US Air Force:

Drag queen “Miss Lexi Andrews” was hired by the 423rd Support Squadron at the RAF Alconbury Air Base in England for a “drag bingo” event on June 23, 2022, and a “glow party” on June 24, 2022, an invoice obtained by Judicial Watch through a freedom of information request shows. […]

The invoice was obtained as part of an investigation by CatholicVote Civil Action and Judicial Watch into the Air Force’s promotion of drag queens, which made headlines two years ago after a drag queen story hour for children — scheduled to be held at an American air base in Germany — was canceled following public outcry.

Under Democrat control, the US military has been repurposed. Rather than defend the homeland from foreign invasion, in now promotes the sexual defilement of children:

Other documents sent by the Defense Department to Judicial Watch include promotions of drag events at U.S. Military bases, including a story hour in Ramstein, Germany by “our local Drag King, Sauvage.”

According to promotional materials, one of the books to be read was called “The HIPS on the DRAG QUEEN Go Swish, Swish, Swish.”

That title is a favorite among drag queens who prey on little kids, including Letta Dicken and PBS’s Little Miss Hot Mess.

No military is of any use against the most incapacitating weapon ever devised: moonbattery.

On a tip from Chuck A.


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