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May 22 2023

Why Australian Police Tasered a 95-Year-Old Lady

Liberal rule entails anarchotyranny and demasculization. Applied to police, this results in officers who leave criminals alone and react to normal people with the panicked fear of cornered animals. Here’s what moonbattery has reduced police to in Australia:

Sky News reports:

NSW Police Southern Region Commander Peter Cotter gave a press conference on Friday where he provided further detail about the condition of Clare Nowland, 95, who is currently surrounded by her family at Cooma Base Hospital. …

Ms Nowland was allegedly found holding a steak knife and standing at her walking frame by nursing staff at the Yallambee Lodge near Cooma, a small town south of Canberra, on Wednesday.

At last word the great grandmother is in critical condition.

Mrs. Nowland stands under 5 feet tall and weighs less than 95 pounds. But the knife could have been quite sharp. They told her to put it down, but she wouldn’t listen. Maybe her hearing aid batteries were low.

Using a taser was risky. The police should have played it safe and called in a sniper.

On a tip from Lyle.


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