Why No Parents Allowed in High School Library?
The progressive campaign to normalize pedophilia is already moving from universities to public schools:
No moms allowed in the school library.https://t.co/IWxuXOed16
— Nicole Solas Domest Terrorist MILFederally Charge (@Nicoletta0602) November 12, 2021
This policy appears to have been created in response to a mom named Stacy Langton. Background:
On Oct. 27, Stacy Langton, a mother of six kids, went to Fairfax High School to pick up one of her sons for an appointment, she told The Daily Caller News Foundation. While she was at the school, she and her son decided to look for the book “All Boys Aren’t Blue” by George M. Johnson, which depicts the author’s experience of sodomy and sexual assault by his older cousin, according to Langton.
Langton previously spoke out at a Sept. 23 Fairfax County Public Schools school board meeting, where she went viral for her calling out the contents of “Lawn Boy” by Jonathan Evison and “Gender Queer” by Maia Kobabe, which she said contained child pornography and pedophilia available to young teenagers in the district’s libraries.
What a troublemaker. No wonder the educrats want to keep her out. Stacy Langton sounds like a real MAPophobe. Merrick Garland ought to sic the FBI on her.
Next, the mainstream media will jump aboard, with heart-wrenching stories of the oppression pedophiles suffer thanks to narrow-minded bigots who judge them for who they love. After that comes the cancelation of anyone who doesn’t approve.
On a tip from Jester.
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