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Oct 31 2023

Women Begin to Find Disfavor

Only recently, women still had such a place of prominence in the Cultural Marxist totem pole of oppression that #MeToo mania was able to destroy any number of lives, even among moonbats (e.g., Al Franken, Charlie Rose). But then social engineers were forced to choose between women and transsexuals. Consequently, women are getting a taste of the contempt and demonization normally reserved for men.

Ninety-pound anti-Constitution activist David Hogg even blames suburban white women for gun violence. Squeaks Hogg:

“We will never end gun violence until white women in the suburbs stop voting for the Republicans who are endangering our schools and communities by flooding them with guns.”

True enough, any woman living in a house with numerous means of ingress, near an urban area, would be foolish not to have a gun in the house — preferably an AR-15, which is an idea weapon for female home defense, given its easy handling and high capacity.

Even the National Organization for Women has turned on women:

“Trans women are women,” the organization said on Facebook Monday morning.

That is to say, there is no such thing as a woman in any meaningful sense. A male pervert mocking women by dressing up as one as if for Halloween is as much a woman as a woman is.

Comments on the NOW post that do not comply with official pro-transsexual, anti-woman ideology are apparently getting deleted.

Feminism was once the primary wrecking ball used to destroy traditional values. But it has largely served its purpose. Social engineers have moved on, confirming that the issue is never the issue; the issue is always the revolution from above. Now even the largest feminist organization in the USA is no longer feminist but rather LGBTist.

When women are as disfavored as men, equality between the sexes will have been achieved at last.

On tips from Barry A and Bluto.


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2 Responses to “Women Begin to Find Disfavor”

  1. […] that women are outliving their usefulness to social engineers, you no longer have to be one to be named Woman of the Year. You only have to […]

  2. […] that women are outliving their usefulness to social engineers, you no longer have to be one to be named Woman of the Year. You only have to […]


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