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Jun 02 2024

YMCA Summer Camp Submits to Transsexualism

The LGBTification of summer camp continues (see here, here, here, here, here). The Village People ought to add new verses to their signature song “YMCA” in light of this story from Colorado:

Along with the traditional fun and games, a developing trend is playing out at the YMCA’s longstanding Camp Shady Brook near Deckers in Douglas County.

Campers and staff will be assigned to cabin groups in accordance with their “gender identity” rather than their actual sex.

Thus, adult and minor males who are transgender and identify as female could stay overnight in the same cabin as biological girls, and adult and minor transgender females who identify as male could sleep in the same cabin as biological boys.

Another hill has been taken in the march of “progress” (a.k.a. societal decay).

In addition to sleeping quarters, the use of bathrooms and showers also apply under the YMCA’s gender-inclusion rules.

Believe it or not, the “C” in YMCA stands for “Christian.”

Don’t want your little girl subjected to naked male perverts? Keep her away from the YMCA.

On a tip from Mike B.


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