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Jul 08 2022

National Education Association Abolishes Motherhood

The largest labor union in the USA is the National Education Association. Its 3 million members include both public school teachers and college faculty. This gives it great power, which it is now exploiting to abolish the concept of motherhood:

The National Education Association proposed a resolution that would change the word “mother” in contracts to “birthing parent” for the purpose of being inclusive to the LGBTQIA+ community.

Update your copy of the Newspeak Dictionary accordingly.

Elana Fishbein of No Left Turn in Education accurately observes that the broader objective is not merely to pander to LGBT bullies, but to destroy the family:

“They are arrogant. They are dismissive of the family, the parents. It’s beyond Orwellian. Even in science fiction, I don’t know if you can have such a script of complete destruction of human society,” she said.

You wouldn’t want someone on the Supreme Court who doesn’t know what a woman is. Would you want your kids taught by someone who doesn’t know — or rather, doesn’t want children to know — what motherhood is?

On a tip from Franco.


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