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Aug 19 2024

UK Likely to Ban Silent Prayer Outside Abortion Mills

Once the right of free speech is no longer acknowledged, the slope downhill into totalitarianism is slippery and steep. Britons will not even be allowed to pray silently for the children butchered at abortion abattoirs:

MPs voted for legislation last year that would ban silent prayer within ‘buffer zones’ 150 metres around the location of a clinic or hospital providing abortion services.

With some alarming exceptions this was not enforced, and according to subsequently published guidance,

“Silent prayer, being the engagement of the mind and thought in prayer towards God, is protected as an absolute right under the Human Rights Act 1998 and should not, on its own, be considered to be an offence under any circumstances.”

Under the tyrannical Two-Tier Keir, such tolerance won’t last:

Diana Johnson, the new policing minister, stated, “We specifically voted against proposals to allow silent prayer and consensual communication in safe access zones.”

Once again the suppression of dissent against the liberal sacrament of abortion emphasizes the association between authoritarianism and pure evil.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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