FBI Victim Mark Houck Found Not Guilty
There is still some America left in this country. Pro-life author Mark Houck, the father of seven whose house was stormed by an FBI SWAT team as punishment for his defense of the unborn, has been found not guilty of violating the FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) Act, which makes it a federal crime to obstruct access to abortion mills.
If anyone should have been brought up on charges, it is the FBI for abuse of power:
The early-morning FBI raid on Houck’s home included battering rams and ballistic shields at the ready and was committed even after Houck’s attorney had told the U.S. Department of Justice Houck would turn himself in if they asked. Since his arrest in September 2022, Houck and his lawyers maintained “This case is being brought solely to intimidate people of faith and pro-life Americans.”
That is as obvious as the ham-fisted authoritarian theater staged by the Biden Regime.
Houck is now freed from the threat of “a maximum possible sentence of 11 years in prison, three years of supervised release, and fines of up to $350,000.”
However, the point has been made that goons can drag you from your home to face serious charges on the flimsiest pretext.
After weeks of ignoring pro-abortion violence and threats against pro-life pregnancy support centers across the nation, dozens of FBI agents arrested Houck in front of his wife and seven children in a raid at his home in September. When Houck’s wife recounted that “they had big, huge rifles pointed at Mark and pointed at me and kind of pointed throughout the house,” the FBI defended their “guns out and ready” positions as necessary.
Necessary to make the point.
Regarding the supposed violation of the FACE act, Houck was 100 feet away and across the street from a Philadelphia Planned Parenthood plant when he was assailed by a pro-abortion activist serving as what moonbats call a patient escort:
The “patient escort,” Bruce Love, repeatedly initiated profanity-laced verbal confrontations with Houck and his son, Mark Houck Jr., said court documents. The documents also say Houck asked Love to stop multiple times, to no avail. On Oct. 13, 2021, when Love escalated by invading Mark Jr.’s personal space, Houck Sr. shoved him away.
For that, he got the full Gestapo treatment from Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and the FBI — but fortunately not from a court of law.
Houck lucked out because leftists have not finished consolidating power.
On tips from Blackjack and seaoh.
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