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Aug 13 2023

Accused Transgender Child Rapist Found Dead

Death is usually sad. Not always though. Leomeir Kennedy was found dead of cardiac arrest in her Johnson County, Indiana jail cell on Friday.

There is currently an investigation into the transgender inmate’s death.

In April, Kennedy was charged with child molestation and possession of child pornography.

Kennedy allegedly molested at least three children at the Hopebridge Autism Therapy Center in Greenwood – where Kennedy worked as a licensed behavior technician.

Kennedy’s allegedly molested a 1-year-old girl while changing her diaper. Also,

[Kennedy] was accused of molesting two autistic children – one nonverbal and one semi-verbal.

Her DuckDuckGo searches include “13-year-old gang raped.”

In July, a mother of one of the alleged victims filed a lawsuit against Kennedy and the therapy center.

Lawsuits will have to continue until people are more afraid of them than they are of LGBT militants. Bad results are inevitable when children are left at the mercy of the sexually insane.

As Audrey Hale’s killing spree suggests, cross-sex hormones do not appear to have a stabilizing effect on people so crazy that think they are members of the opposite sex. Imagine entrusting kids to a woman who did this to herself.


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