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Mar 28 2023

Transgender Terror Attack in Nashville

“We can disarm you,” liberals smugly assure us. “We have school shootings.”

True enough, school shootings are a trump card for progressives, who know they cannot inflict their agenda on a population capable of defending itself. Each one sends the media into paroxysms of euphoria, because they can be spun into forceful propaganda against our fundamental right of self-defense — even in the case of a terrorist attack, as occurred in Nashville yesterday:

Nashville police revealed that the 28-year-old who shot and killed six people at the Covenant School, including three children, identified as transgender and had a detailed manifesto to attack the Christian academy.

The killer was identified as Audrey Hale.

Mass murderers are not often female. The policy of fostering mental illness by encouraging psychotic transsexual delusions and pumping women full of testosterone so they can pretend to be men is turning out about as well as could be expected.

While Democrats/the media reflexively claim that our right of self-defense is responsible, the actual driver of this atrocity appears to have been Hale’s twisted ideology, as suggested by the existence of a manifesto.

According to Nashville Metropolitan Police Chief John Drake,

Hale was “prepared to do more harm than was actually done,” and that she had drawn up plans to attack another school in the area, but backed out of them because the school was too secure.

No wonder local Democrat authorities do not focus appropriately on increasing school security. Too much of it and there won’t be carnage to exploit for attacking the Second Amendment.

Adding to the media malfeasance this time is the concern for not offending the dead killer by failing to use her preferred pronouns:

The New York Times, CNN, USA Today, and other liberal media outlets have elicited scorn and outrage after they took measures to ensure that they were on the record as not “misgendering” the transsexual who slaughtered children inside a Nashville Christian elementary school on Monday.

Hale demanded that her psychosis be revered through the use of he/him pronouns.

Like liberal journalists, Hale’s mother is a gun control activist. However, the killer herself was probably more focused on transgenderism — speaking of which:

This act of apparent trans-activist terrorism against Christians comes days before a planned “Trans Day of Vengeance” which is scheduled for Saturday.

The “vengeance” sought by transsexuals is in retaliation against normal people for imaginary violence and for legislation that impedes the transsexualization of children, as was passed recently in Tennessee, protecting children from sex change procedures and drag performances.

Transsexualism is based on a fundamental rejection of objective reality. Unsurprisingly, transsexual militants are hardly paragons of mental health. Their current turn toward violent tactics is alarming in the extreme.

Here’s how America’s descent into the maelstrom of moonbattery looks from overseas:

On tips from Bluto, Anonymous, Blackjack, KirklesWorth, Mr. Freemarket, and Chris Neilson.


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28 Responses to “Transgender Terror Attack in Nashville”

  1. […] shootings delight moonbats, who eagerly exploit them to attack our right of self-defense. But the transgender terror attack in Nashville on Monday was special. It served as a shot across the bow, warning normal people to […]

  2. […] Biden prefaced his predictable anti-Second Amendment response to the transgender terror attack in Nashville that killed three 9-year-olds as well as three adults with lame jokes about how much […]

  3. […] less than devastated by children being executed at a Christian school in Nashville, evidently in the name of transgenderism. On the same day, Madonna made an appalling […]

  4. […] shootings delight moonbats, who eagerly exploit them to attack our right of self-defense. But the transgender terror attack in Nashville on Monday was special. It served as a shot across the bow, warning normal people to […]

  5. […] moonbat displays how political terrorism works by putting the desired spin on the Covenant School massacre in […]

  6. […] from horrific sex change operations. As in Tennessee, moonbats don’t like it. After the Covenant School massacre, they are feeling their […]

  7. […] case you had any doubts where the White House stands on a transsexual executing Christian children, noisily LGBT White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre lays it out for the […]

  8. […] case you had any doubts where the Biden Administration stands on a transsexual executing Christian children, noisily LGBT White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre lays it out for the […]

  9. […] is banned, presumably because it might offend the ghost of Osama bin Laden or Audrey Hale. “Freshmen” and “upperclassmen” are no good, because students must avoid […]

  10. […] is banned, presumably because it might offend the ghost of Osama bin Laden or Audrey Hale. “Freshmen” and “upperclassmen” are no good, because students must avoid “male-centric […]

  11. […] of their appalling behavior is likely to result in cancelation. One of them carries out a suicide terror attack on a Christian school, killing six, including three 9-year-olds, and 4 days later the president of […]

  12. […] could almost admire the chutzpah of progressives who spin horrific violence from their own side as a pretext to disarm the law-abiding normal people they openly […]

  13. […] of their appalling behavior is likely to result in cancelation. One of them carries out a suicide terror attack on a Christian school, killing six, including three 9-year-olds, and 4 days later the president of […]

  14. […] after a transgender terrorist murdered three 9-year-olds along with three adults at a Christian school in Nashville, the […]

  15. […] after a transgender terrorist murdered three 9-year-olds along with three adults at a Christian school in Nashville, the […]

  16. […] is under direct attack in Nashville, where leftists are following up on last week’s transsexual terror attack on a Christian school by demanding potential victims be disarmed. A leftist mob has laid siege to […]

  17. […] notice the trend, the names keep piling up. Maya McKinney. Snochia Moseley. Anderson Lee Aldrich. Audrey Hale. Add to the list William […]

  18. […] refuses to notice, the names keep piling up. Maya McKinney. Snochia Moseley. Anderson Lee Aldrich. Audrey Hale. Add to the list William […]

  19. […] to be physically endangered so they can pose as victims. Recall that the White House reacted to a transgender terror attack on a Christian school in Nashville by lying that there is an “epidemic of violence against […]

  20. […] know, like the White House needed to promote a Transgender Day of Visibility 4 days after the Covenant School Massacre because of the lack of visibility given to […]

  21. […] reference to shooting kids comes in the aftermath of a transsexual terror attack on a Christian school that resulted in the murder of three 9-year-olds. Again we see that moonbats […]

  22. […] Although Lopez fortunately fell short of mass murder, let’s be inclusive and put him on the list of transmaniacs, along with William Whitworth, Maya McKinney, Snochia Moseley, Anderson Lee Aldrich, and of course Audrey Hale. […]

  23. […] Not good enough, ChiCommies. The maniacs conducting the Reign of Terror couldn’t stamp it out. Stalin couldn’t stamp it out. Not even the powerful LGBT lobby can stamp it out, even with violence. […]

  24. […] Not good enough, ChiCommies. The maniacs conducting the Reign of Terror couldn’t stamp it out. Stalin couldn’t stamp it out. Not even the powerful LGBT lobby can stamp it out, despite employing violence. […]

  25. […] Not good enough, ChiCommies. The maniacs conducting the Reign of Terror couldn’t stamp it out. Stalin couldn’t stamp it out. Not even the powerful LGBT lobby can stamp it out, despite employing violence. […]

  26. […] of violence not by transsexuals as in the real world (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, etc.) but against them. If virtue signaling displays like the one of above […]


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