Al Sharpton Rakes in Big Bucks for Hating Whitey
Al Sharpton doesn’t come off as the sharpest tool in the shed, even on MSNBC. But when it comes to acquiring lucre, this race hustler is no dummy:
The National Action Network paid Sharpton $348,174 in 2021 as its president and CEO and gave him a hefty bonus of $278,503 — plus $22,117 worth of benefits for total compensation of $648,794, its latest tax filing shows.
That is in addition to nearly $300,000 for private jets, which as John Kerry has demonstrated, do not offend the climate so long as liberals fly in them.
Big Al launched a lucrative career in race-baiting with the preposterous Tawana Brawley hoax. No wonder there have been so many hate hoaxes.
The preacher’s 2020 compensation came to $347,183, which did not include a bonus.
In terms of total compensation, Sharpton got quite the pay raise. Meanwhile, wages decline among the little people over whom Sharpton’s liberal establishment rules.
This is the same Al Sharpton with a trail of slime going back more than a quarter of a century, during which he has whipped up mobs and fomented race hatred from the days of the Tawana Brawley “rape” hoax of 1987 to the Duke “rape” hoax of 2006 and the Ferguson riots of 2014.
— Thomas Sowell Quotes (@ThomasSowell) July 30, 2019
On a tip from Jack D.
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