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Category: Hate Hoax

Dec 20 2024

Rhodes College Hate Hoax

All good liberals know that Trump supporters are racists. At last they have confirmation, right where you might expect to find it: at a college in two-thirds black Memphis, a.k.a. Memphrica. Racist messages were found on campus over Thanksgiving break at Rhodes College:

The school launched an investigation into the racist messages after flyers were reportedly found near its National Pan-Hellenic Council Plaza, a space on campus that honors the school’s nine historically Black Greek organizations.

According to a local Memphis CBS affiliate “Trump Rules” and racial slurs about Black people were written on 13 pieces of paper that were found around that area of campus.

The school responded with the usual official statement in support of the ideology that likely inspired the notes, quacking, “We are a community that is firmly committed to diversity, inclusion, [yadda yadda yadda] and we do not tolerate racial bias or hate speech” and promising to work “diligently” to apprehend the culprit.

They may have worked a little too diligently. The notes were unsurprisingly exposed as yet another hate hoax, complete with a confession by the hoaxer. Educrats must not have wanted to get scolded by local media for allegedly not taking the notes seriously enough, as happened in 2021 after someone taped a banana to the door of black students’ dorm room, thereby making Students of Color feel “unsafe.”

On tips from Mickey M, Steven S, and Jim K.

Dec 13 2024

Duke Lacrosse Accuser Finally Comes Clean

It took a while, but Crystal Mangum has finally come clean:

Former stripper and convicted murderer Crystal Mangum admitted Thursday that she lied and “made up a story” that three Duke University lacrosse players raped her at a team party in 2006.

“They trusted me that I wouldn’t betray their trust, and I testified falsely against them by saying that they raped me when they didn’t, and that was wrong,” [Mangum] told the independent media outlet Let’s Talk With Kat at the North Carolina Correctional Institution for Women.

“[I] made up a story that wasn’t true.”

Mangum was not the only one to victimize Duke lacrosse players David Evans, Collin Finnerty, and Reade Seligmann:

The case garnered national attention and the tension was fueled when former Durham County district attorney Mike Nifong said in a March 2006 interview with CBS News that “there’s no doubt a sexual assault took place” and that the assault was “racially motivated.”

Congratulations to Crystal Mangum for turning to God and asking forgiveness. Now let’s see the politically driven Nifong do the same.

The North Carolina State Bar disbarred Nifong in June 2007 for lying in court and withholding DNA evidence that would have helped absolve the defendants.

Duke also has plenty to apologize for, after reflexively siding with Mangum against the innocent players. By now there have been enough hate hoaxes that this reflex is inexcusable. Yet it persists in academia.

On tips from seaoh, Ed McAninch, and ABC of the ANC.

Dec 06 2024

Blackface Uncle Sam Hate Hoax

Those crazy college kids. Don’t they know that blackface is unacceptable — even on Uncle Sam?

From September:

Colorado State University says it is investigating a report of a “racially insensitive” banner on display outside a fraternity house near the Fort Collins campus.

Photos surfaced this week of a banner with an invitation to rush the fraternity apparently hanging above the doors of the fraternity house, 709 Wagner Drive — a drawing of Uncle Sam with what appears to be blackface paint on the face and hand, with the words: “We want you to rush Lambda Chi.”

Blackface used to be part of mainstream American culture. Al Jolson, once the most popular singer in the country, is remembered for it. However, blackface is now regarded as blasphemy on a par with white people saying the forbidden n-word.

It is doubtful that fraternities would really portray Uncle Sam in blackface. The apparent blackface has been attributed to the effects of rain and lighting on the poster.

However, CSU student Corey Valentine made an issue of it. He took multiple photos and videos to document the alleged thoughtcrime:

Valentine then filed an incident of bias report with the university around 2:30 a.m. and received a follow-up email from a spokesperson around 8 a.m. Valentine returned to the entrance of the house at around 5 a.m. to find the flag removed.

You get fast action from educrats when it comes to stamping out imaginary racism. But this was not good enough for Valentine, who evidently wanted scalps:

Valentine also posted his findings to the social media site YikYak, where doubts about the authenticity of the photos quickly circulated. After posting the photos to his personal Instagram account, Valentine and another student, Matthew Bishop, met with members from the Black/African American Cultural Center, The Collegian and the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life.

Lambda Chi Alpha submissively recited the usual incantations in praise of diversity and inclusion. Months later, it continues to apologize for offending someone who went out of his way to bully them by taking offense over nothing. That’s what hate hoaxes are all about.

On a tip from Matt L.

Nov 23 2024

Industrial Scale Hate Hoaxing for Cash

The rest of the fraudsters on the Hate Hoax List are pikers compared to Jasmine Latrice Willie of Washington State. She has been arrested for applying phony racist crybullying on an industrial scale for profit:

Willie allegedly carried out a large-scale scamming effort in which she would stroll into businesses and tell employees that she had spoken with management and was owed a refund, the News Tribune reported. She would then demand that the cashier give her money.

By aggressively brandishing her politically preferred pigmentation, she has allegedly hauled in thousands of dollars with scams like this:

On Aug. 14, 2023, Willie allegedly entered a Daiso store in Lakewood and informed the employee that she had a video of the assistant manager being racist. According to prosecutors, she asserted that she would publish the video on Facebook if she did not receive a refund.

…and this:

In another incident on Aug. 17, 2023, Willie allegedly requested a refund of $414 from a Dutch Bros in Lakewood. Prosecutors said that she claimed the manager authorized the refund after receiving “racial remarks” from an employee. The refund was issued to her in cash by the employee she scammed.

What is an employee to do, stand up to an alleged victim of racial oppression? Who would dare?

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Nov 20 2024

N-Word Carved in Chest Looks Like Hate Hoax

Hard to believe that on a college campus in the year 2024, someone would hold down a young athlete with one hand and carve the forbidden n-word into his chest with the other. Unsurprisingly, it appears not to be true:

A freshman swimmer at Gettysburg College, identified and confirmed by The College Fix as Aidan Ochoa, had the slur etched into his body by a teammate. The incident in September made national headlines and caused controversy and concern…

The family also decried the incident as a hate crime to the student newspaper, saying “our son became the victim of a hate crime.”

Ochoa really did have the forbidden word etched on his chest. But that doesn’t mean there was a hate crime.

A video on TikTok, along with other comments online, allege Ochoa consented to the attack, possibly under the influence of alcohol.

Ochoa and his family have declined to report the incident to local law enforcement, despite the advice of the Pennsylvania college.

The family has even been blowing off the NAACP.

Both Ochoa and the suspected n-word etcher were kicked off the swim team. President Bob Iuliano calls the case “complicated and nuanced” — Liberalese for BS.

According to a student, Ochoa wanted everyone to know he qualifies as a favored “person of color,” even if he is only a quadroon, and asked for the word to be etched.

[A] Gettysburg College source alleged Ochoa was actually “flaunting” the n-word to teammates, but then changed his story once upperclassmen reported the incident, for fear he would get in trouble.

That’s when the party trick gone wrong became a hate hoax.

On a tip from Matt L.

Nov 16 2024

Pushback Against Whoopi Goldberg Hate Hoax

No one is too rich and powerful to pull a hate hoax — not even prominent media figures like Whoopi Goldberg:

Goldberg claimed that a historic bakery on Staten Island wouldn’t fill a dessert request that she’d made because the business didn’t like her politics.

The View host used her bully pulpit to take revenge by complaining to the world on Wednesday.

Even though Goldberg didn’t name the bakery, its unique packaging identified the source as Holtermann’s, and word about Goldberg’s displeasure quickly spread.

The reason the family-owned 146-year-old bakery couldn’t fill her large fancy order was that their boiler was being replaced.

Public response was not what Whoopi anticipated:

By Friday, there was a long line outside of the bakery on Arthur Kill Road well before it opened at 7:30 a.m. Long lines remained throughout the day until closing time at 6 p.m.

The business almost completely sold out of its stock. Its staff baked non-stop, all day.

Donations to the bakery have poured in from all around the country. Bullying by liberal elitists like Whoopi Goldberg is getting old, no matter how they may snarl that they are victims.

On tips from Barry A and Varla.

Nov 14 2024

Colorado Springs Mayor Helped by Hate Hoax

Liberals like to portray elections as a conflict between the politically correct and sinister racists. For evidence, they might turn to last year’s mayoral race in Colorado Springs:

In the early morning hours of April 23, 2023, a burning cross in front a campaign sign for then-candidate Yemi Mobolade was found at the intersection of Union and Fillmore. The sign had been defaced with a racial slur.

Mobolade is not merely a Person of Politically Preferred Pigmentation but a native of Nigeria.

The burning cross was good to be true from the moonbat point of view. Sure enough — it was staged:

The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Colorado (USAOC) now says the entire scene was a hoax, intended to make citizens think that there was a group of racists in Colorado Springs strongly opposed to a Black mayoral candidate.

In a news release Tuesday, the USAOC announced 35-year-old Derrick Bernard Jr., 40-year-old Ashley Blackcloud, and 38-year-old Deanna West had been indicted by a grand jury for their “maliciously conveying false information about a threat made by means of fire” and “their alleged roles in a conspiracy to spread disinformation about the threat.”

The culprits needn’t feel too bad. Mobolade won the election, and they won a place on the Hate Hoax List.

On a tip from Varla.

Nov 07 2024

Markings of a Hate Hoax in Portland

Trump won overwhelmingly, despite having the establishment adamantly arrayed against him, despite being Hitler, and despite Kamala Harris running a perfect campaign. Democrats are feeling desperate. Time to fall back on tried and true tactics. Looks like we may have another hate hoax:

Portland Police Bureau’s Major Crimes Unit is investigating a bias crime after an African-American woman, LaQuida Landford, reported that racial slurs were etched into her car.

What are the odds that insults keyed into a car with a Trump sticker would be a case for the Major Crimes Unit? Not that such cars are driven in overwhelmingly liberal Portland, the land of Antifa.

She’s not sure how, if at all, the perpetrator knew she was African-American.

Here’s a theory for the Major Crimes Unit to pursue: the perpetrator knew because LaQuida is the perpetrator.

In support of the theory, readers are directed to AfroVillage PDX:

Laquida Landford is a community researcher, community health worker, and the lead visionary and Executive Director of AfroVillage PDX. She created AfroVillage PDX as a grassroots movement to build community, reduce social isolation, and support the needs of Black women, people of the African Diaspora, and others impacted by systems of oppression and systemic racism. LaQuida uses her strengths in community organizing, advocacy, and civic engagement, to lead projects that are racial equity focused and community informed. Her work aims to restore dignity, create access and transform communities through housing justice, food justice, and community healing and economic empowerment.

With apologies if the theory is mistaken, this is such a great résumé for a hate hoaxer that LaQuida has been granted a provisional place on the Hate Hoax List.

On a tip from Sheryl D.

Oct 11 2024

Yet Another Noose Hoax

According to the moonbat antireligion, anything even vaguely resembling a noose symbolizes black oppression, as if only blacks were ever hanged. This makes pulling hate hoaxes so easy, even Bubba Wallace can do it. Again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again innocent loops are presented as racist nooses. By now, all but the most laughable liberals roll their eyes at shrieks of hysteria over imaginary nooses having been found. Yet the idiocy continues:

Gilbane Building Company and Turner Construction Company, the general contractors for the new Buffalo Bills stadium project, suspended construction on the project on Tuesday to investigate an incident. …

Gilbane-Turner said it received a report of what could have been perceived as a symbol of hate at the site.

As usual, law enforcement was called in to make a pageant of the threat posed by the alleged noose.

Orchard Park police said an officer responded and the investigation found that the suspected hate symbol was actually an industry-approved knot commonly used by iron workers. …

Gilbane-Turner said their initial investigation also found it was not a symbol of hate.

But at least the hysteria raised awareness of the imaginary racism problem and allowed Gilbane-Turner to strike a righteous pose with a public statement:

We immediately reported the incident to the police, suspended work on-site, and launched an investigation to send a clear message about how seriously we take this matter. … Gilbane|Turner maintains zero tolerance for racism and hate. We will continue to collaborate with our trade partners and unions to make it clear to every person [blah blah blah].

The governor’s office released a statement praising the hysterical reaction.

We are expected to believe that KKK types leave nooses lying around in order to… do what? Validate Critical Race Theory? Generate sympathy for blacks? If supposed nooses were not seen as supporting woke ideology, moonbats would not keep pretending to find them.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Sep 28 2024

Texas County Judge Makes Hate Hoax List

Often hate hoaxes are used by neurotics to generate sympathy or by liberal ideologues to raise awareness of a problem that does not exist. Other times, hoaxes have more practical applications — like to win elections:

Fort Bend County [Texas] Judge KP George, a top elected official in the suburban Houston county, won a 2022 re-election bid against his Republican opponent, Trever Nehls.

A warrant obtained by KHOU 11 shows that George’s cellular devices suggested he had been communicating with a fellow employee who used a fake Facebook account under the name ‘Antonio Scalywag’ to interact with the judge’s posts and leave racist comments.

No wonder they call it “Fakebook.” Sometimes it seems nothing on it can be taken at face value.

George is accused … of working hand in hand with his former chief of staff, Taral Patel, who was employed as a consultant for George’s re-election campaign in 2022.

Evidence from the obtained warrant suggests that Patel was the one leaving the racist comments – all with permission from the judge.

George was born in India. Not being American gives the Democrat an advantage that he got carried away exploiting.

He was first elected as a county judge in 2018 and became the first person of color to ever serve as a judge in Fort Bend.

Very historic. Also, George is the first Texas judge born in India to achieve a position on the Hate Hoax List.

Here comes the judge.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Sep 12 2024

A Rope Is Just a Rope

As a rule, a rope is just a rope. But an innocuous rope can be put to a pernicious political purpose:

Earlier this week, a “staff member” at Sherwood High School “discovered a small rope tied in a manner resembling a noose, draped over the fence surrounding the school’s tennis courts,” according to an email from the principal, republished by MocoShow.

The Ashton-Sandy Spring [Maryland] high school quickly contacted police.

Over a piece of rope. Because it had a knot in it, which theoretically the KKK might have tied.

After making a federal case out of it, authorities predictably found there was no racist intent behind the innocent piece of rope that they had seized on as a pretext to indulge in weaponized hysteria. Yet Principal Timothy Britton writes:

“While our investigation determined that the individuals involved did not intend to communicate a racist or anti-Black message, the impact of such imagery is deeply harmful and cannot be understated. We recognize how disturbing and upsetting this symbol can be, particularly to our Black community members, and we are treating this matter with the utmost seriousness.”

This is ominous:

“We are now in the process of determining appropriate consequences in accordance with the [Montgomery County Public Schools] Student Code of Conduct.”

Imagine how fast educrats would string up an actual anti-black racist, if they ever encountered one.

On a tip from Matt L.

Sep 04 2024

Hate Hoax as Hardball Politics

According to leftist ideology, privileged identity groups are somehow oppressed no matter how obsequiously they are catered to. The hate hoaxes used to prop up this absurd notion can be applied to hardball politics. For example, a militant moonbat named Hashim Coates claims that a mom at a school board meeting gripped his shoulder and called him a “dumb n*****.”

National Review has the story:

The alleged assault against Coates occurred last August, amid impassioned debates over increasing school violence in Denver, and outcry from parents over changes to the district’s discipline polices, which the board watered down in the name of racial justice. Many parents at the time were also incensed over the firing of a popular principal who spoke out publicly about his concerns about security and faced charges of racism for trying to keep a student charged with attempted murder out of his middle school.

Coates is a belligerent proponent of the “racial justice” position.

Predictably, the school board took his preposterous allegation seriously.

“It is never okay, never, for a white person to walk up to a black person and use that racial slur,” said Xochitl Gaytan, the board’s then-president.

Not good enough for Coates:

He filed a report with Denver police, repeating his charge that the white parent, Kristen Fry, had touched him and called him a racial slur.

This being Denver, a city undergoing ruin by moonbats,

The police criminally cited Fry, and the city attorney upped the charges after Coates’s protestations. Coates receive a restraining order, which hampered Fry’s ability to engage in school-board politics. Fry was barred from volunteering at her kids’ school. She was publicly humiliated. She was forced to spend tens of thousands of dollars on lawyers.

You can guess the rest of the story. Surveillance video that the school tried to suppress confirms Coates has been lying through his teeth.

Fry, who herself participated in a racial-justice march after the death of George Floyd, claims Coates was being disruptive during the meeting and she simply urged him to be respectful.

Here’s why she dared try to have a word with him:

Throughout the meeting, Coates and [his ally, local activist and political consultant MiDian] Shofner were distracting and intimidating speakers, including children, Fry said. They coughed and laughed at people, and called speakers they disagreed with “white supremacist” and “racist”…

Coates offers insight into what Fry marched for during the Black Lives Matter craze:

While he is a regular at Denver school-board meetings, Coates is no concerned parent; he doesn’t appear to be a parent at all. Rather, he is a far-left political activist with a checkered past and a history of weaponizing allegations of racism.

An incident from a few years previously offers insight into his character:

[H]e fired a gun at the vehicle of the male prostitute he’d met on, and then refused to fully cooperate with police investigators.

There were multiple people in the car at the time.

After the December 2016 shooting, Coates confessed to police that he’d contacted the man for a sexual encounter — he acknowledged that he’d been meeting men online for hook-ups for over a decade, according to police reports. When he refused to pay the prostitute, the man stole his iPad, and demanded money for its return.

Police say Coates is a serial “no-pay” john.

His moral character is consistent with the Black Lives Matter platform and milieu. Fry’s is not. At least there will be a silver lining from this appalling story if she has learned a lesson.

On a tip from Varla.

Aug 28 2024

Hate Hoax Homicide

Hate hoaxes are primarily used to raise awareness of phenomena that exist in moonbat doctrine but not in real life. However, false accusations directed against the politically incorrect identity group can have other purposes — such as to help a murderer mislead police:

A man allegedly stabbed his 14-year-old girlfriend multiple times at a Minnesota park before slitting her throat, giving her a hug and knifing her one more time in the back.

Isaac Arthur Arndt, 18, is charged with second-degree murder in the death of Jaelyn Walker in Moorhead…

At first he told an improbable tale to police:

Arndt walked into to the Clay County Law Enforcement Center around 11 p.m. Aug. 19 to report an assault. He had two cuts on his fingers. Arndt claimed he and Jaelyn were at Gooseberry Park when an “unknown white male” started following them. He said as he ran away, the man attacked him with a knife, per the affidavit.

Journalists might have been eager to believe him and blame the murder on the mysterious pale-skinned miscreant. Cops are less gullible.

Soon Arndt fessed up to killing Jaelyn.

On a tip from Bluto.

Aug 21 2024

Wringing Racism From Nonincident at Missouri School

Moonbats have not consolidated power yet if they still feel the need to pull hate hoaxes. From Cottleville, Missouri:

Parent Mitchell Long reported finding a noose in a bathroom near the Francis Howell Central High School football stadium last week. …

“Too many of our black and brown babies have those struggles in our schools,” Long told KSDK 5.

If that were true, they wouldn’t resort to hoaxes to justify their privileged victim status.

“After extensive conversations and investigation, we do not believe this to be a racially-motivated incident,” the district stated last Friday, according to KDSK 5.

No one will look harder than educrats to find white wickedness. They even called in the police to help look. Screeched Principal Suzanne Leake when the alleged noose was produced:

“While there were no words or notes to accompany the noose, we are partnering with law enforcement to investigate this as a potential hate crime.”

Nooses are inherently racist because only black people have ever been hanged — or at least, they are the only people who have been hanged who matter.

That the authorities determined there to be no racism involved strongly suggests this was a hoax. Nonetheless, the district took the occasion to formally proclaim the following:

“The Francis Howell School District will not tolerate hate or racially-motivated violence in our schools or on our campuses.”

At least the alleged noose raised awareness of nonexistent black oppression, like Bubba Wallace’s garage door pull.

St. Charles County NAACP President Zebrina Looney [no really, that’s her name; pronouns: she/her] dismissed the investigation’s results and blamed the school board for having “emboldened racists,” according to First Alert 4.

Crybullies will crybully, unencumbered by reality.

The same school district previously paid a critical race theorist from the University of Missouri to “create an African-American history course and consult on racial issues,” The Fix reported in 2021.

So the school actually does embolden racists.


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