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Aug 18 2023

Alternatives to Abolished Word “Mother”

Moonbats oppose human reproduction, deny there is a difference between men and women, and react to anything wholesome like a vampire to a cross. Consequently, they oppose motherhood, going so far as to delete the word “mother” from the Newspeak Dictionary. Yet until social engineers find a way to abolish them, mothers still exist. What to call them?

Our Historic First Faux-Female Four-Star Admiral Richard “Rachel” Levine probably doesn’t know port from starboard, but he is the go-to guy when it comes to political correctness. Let’s review his recent junket to Alaska to see what we can learn:

Assistant Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine praised the Alaskan gender clinic Identity Alaska during a visit to the facility on Aug. 6…

Identity Alaska does more than transsexualize children and the sexually deranged. It also offers linguistic guidance to those who struggle to keep abreast of politically acceptable vocabulary:

Lesson guides put out by the clinic recommend that the word “mother” not be used, and instead replaced with “gestational parent,” “birth parent,” “egg producer” or “carrier.”

Now that we have been offered alternatives, there can be no excuse for uttering the forbidden M-word. Expect its use to result in cancelation.

On a tip from Tlabia Majora.


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2 Responses to “Alternatives to Abolished Word “Mother””

  1. […] Moonbattery- The Left is killing mom! […]

  2. […] Only sane people do, not our liberal rulers. […]


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