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Dec 16 2020

Andrew Cuomo Criminalizes Confederate Flag

New York’s authoritarian Governor Andrew Cuomo is said to be on Biden’s handlers’ shortlist for attorney general. To get an idea of what this would mean for the cause of keeping American liberty alive, consider that Cuomo just signed a bill into law that makes the Confederate flag illegal.

The Rebel Flag symbolizes the South. That’s why it was featured on the cover of Lynyrd Skynyrd albums and on the car driven by the Dukes of Hazard.

Liberals associate Southern culture with resistance to their agenda; therefore, the Confederate flag is now regarded as a “hate symbol.” It’s a Culture War issue.

From the New York Post:

The new law — effective immediately — prohibits the sale of hate symbols on public grounds including state and local fairs, and also severely limits their display unless deemed relevant to serving an educational or historical purpose.

Cuomo explicitly named the Confederate flag as his first example of a hate symbol, denouncing it as “abhorrent.”

A hate symbol is in effect any symbol that leftists hate. Old Glory herself might become a hate symbol, or at the very least the Betsy Ross version.

A more brazen violation of the spirit of the First Amendment would be difficult to imagine.

Cuomo said the rule likely needs “certain technical changes” so the Empire State doesn’t get caught treading upon free speech protections codified in the Constitution’s First Amendment.

Actually, what it needs is to be thrown out — or rather, any politician who would support such a law needs to be thrown out.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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4 Responses to “Andrew Cuomo Criminalizes Confederate Flag”

  1. […] his hostility to our most basic liberties, it is fortunate that Andrew Cuomo is unlikely to become US Attorney […]

  2. […] his hostility to our most basic liberties, it is fortunate that Andrew Cuomo is unlikely to become US Attorney […]

  3. […] If Senator Feinstein tries that sort of open-mindedness in New York, she might be arrested. […]

  4. […] it an exaggeration to say that if the Confederate flag can be made illegal in New York, Old Glory herself may be designated a hate symbol? Unfortunately, no. ESPN — the tip of the […]


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