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Jul 15 2021

Antony Blinken Calls on United Nations to Denounce America

Under sane governance, the Secretary of State would advance American interests abroad. Under rule by moonbats, he has the opposite role: to rally foreign foes to help Democrats tear America down. Quintessential repulsively soft liberal bureauweenie Antony Blinken is tailormade for the task:

The United Nations — whose World Health Organization arm was just panned for its probe of the COVID-19 pandemic’s origins confined to guidelines set by the Chinese Communist Party — has been formally invited by the Biden administration to investigate “the scourge of racism, racial discrimination, and xenophobia” in the US, according to Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Among the liberal elite, it will lend weight to Democrats’ scurrilous condemnations of their own country if the execrable United Nations agrees.

“It is in this context that the United States intends to issue a formal, standing invitation to all UN experts who report and advise on thematic human rights issues,” he continued. “As a first step, we have reached out to offer an official visit by the UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism and the UN Special Rapporteur on minority issues.”

A UN Special Rapporteur will be oblivious to the only prevalent racism in this country, namely, the systematic racism against whites manifested in its most blatant and systematic form by Affirmative Action. The UN will attack America from the viewpoint of the ultra-left, just as it does with Israel, which a Special Rapporteur recently accused of “war crimes” for building settlements.

The invitation … comes less than a year after the US endured a lashing on its civil rights record before the UN — getting scolded by the likes of China, Russia, Saudi Arabia and North Korea.

Our Democrat rulers so enjoyed the humiliation of that absurd spectacle, they are explicitly requesting more of the same.

This isn’t the first time the Biden’s Handlers Administration has utilized the United Nations as a platform to attack the country they are in the process of ruining. Earlier this year, our UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield denounced America to its very core, proclaiming that “white supremacy” was woven into our “founding documents and principles.” She didn’t mention that blacks live better in the USA than in any other country, for this would undermine critical race theory, the main wrecking ball they are using to destroy it.

Although their figurehead Biden is an idiot, we are not ruled by mere fools. We are ruled by our enemies. No country can long survive rule by people who hate it.

On tips from Chuck A, R F, and Wiggins. Hat tip: Gun Free Zone.


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2 Responses to “Antony Blinken Calls on United Nations to Denounce America”

  1. […] will be eventual occupation by the United Nations. A pair of anti-Americans, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, are already laying the rhetorical groundwork. The same […]


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