Applied Socialized Medicine: Male Milk for Babies
Once healthcare has been socialized, it becomes a tool by which Big Government advances the leftist agenda. Here’s how Britain’s National Health Service inflicts transsexualism on innocent babies:
An NHS trust has said that breast milk produced by trans-women who were born as men is as good for babies as that produced by a mother who has given birth.
According to biology, “trans-women” are mentally ill men who dress in women’s clothes and sometimes subject themselves to induced teratosis through grotesque hormone treatments. However, biology has been overruled by woke bumper sticker slogans, according which “Trans-Women Are Women!”
In a letter to campaigners, the University of Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust (USHT), said that the milk produced by trans women after taking a combination of drugs, is “comparable to that produced following the birth of a baby”.
Comparable in that it is liquid and may even be white. Whether any sane person would feed artificially generated male milk to a developing baby is another question.
The hospital trust, which runs Royal Sussex County Hospital, Worthing Hospital and Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital among others, was also the first in Britain to use the term “chestfeeding” in place of breastfeeding because it is considered by some to be more inclusive.
The well-being of children is less important than remaining at the vanguard of advancing LGBTism.
The proclamation that the freakish secretions of transsexuals are healthy for babies is not based on long-term data, because there is no long-term data. Never until the past few years has a society been sick enough to want men “chestfeeding” babies. Also, it would be unethical in the extreme to conduct studies that force children to ingest such a substance.
On tips from Steve T, Mr. Freemarket, Franco, and Chris Neilson.
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[…] healthcare authorities officially approve of feeding to infants repugnant substances that men proclaiming themselves to be women are […]