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Jul 13 2024

Assassination Attempt on Trump

It had become beyond obvious that Democrats cannot win a fair election. They don’t have time to displace enough of the American population through illegal immigration. They tried banana republic style lawfare, but it only made the “convicted felon” more popular — and for good reason. They have laid the groundwork for large scale election fraud, but there are limits to what even Democrats can get away with. So now they are trying to kill him.

No one who has listened to the Democrat Party–mainstream media axis of evil shrieking hysterically that Trump is an Existential Threat to Our Democracy could be the least surprised. The Democrat base consists of misinformed, morally vacuous, mentally ill losers. They have been given their marching orders.

God help this country if this does not result in Trump winning in a landslide.

On tips from Varla, seaoh, MrRightWingDave, and Anonymous.


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