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Jul 14 2023

Biden Defies Supreme Court, Steals $39 Billion

Never mind that the Supreme Court just ruled it unconstitutional. Creepy Joe is forcing everyone else to pay for other people’s student loans anyway. Since laws can be struck down, he is imposing the decree through the bureaucracy:

Biden will forgive $39 billion in student debt for 804,000 Americans – two weeks after the Supreme Court struck down his $430 billion relief plan because it was unconstitutional.

Meanwhile, Democrats accuse their opponents of being threats to the American system of government.

In a move called a ‘slap in the face’ to taxpayers, borrowers who have been making payments for between 20 and 25 years will have their debts wiped due to ‘fixes’ in the system that calculates repayment plans.

Basically, Biden just presented a middle finger to the Supreme Court and then stole $billions from working people to purchase the votes of soft pink moonbats who went into debt to stave off adulthood by buying absurdly overpriced degrees in largely unconstructive subjects.

On tips from Blackjack, ABC of the ANC, KirklesWorth, and Wiggins.


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2 Responses to “Biden Defies Supreme Court, Steals $39 Billion”

  1. […] thing for them Biden will be defying the Supreme Court to force us to pay their bills, because moonbats have gone into six-figure debt acquiring advanced […]

  2. […] into universities pays for. Imagine being forced to pay off other people’s student loans in defiance of a Supreme Court ruling so that can moonbats can reimagine gender rather than […]


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