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Jul 30 2023

LGBT Blasphemy Studies at University of Chicago

Now that the Long March Through the Institutions has claimed higher education, religious studies would more accurately be called “blasphemy studies”:

The University of Chicago’s 2023-2024 course catalog includes a religious studies course on “Queering God,” applying LGBTQ+ ideology to different religions and examining the ways gender is being reimagined in theology.

“Is God queer?” asks the course description. “We will analyze the ways that contemporary artists, activists, and scholars are using theology to reimagine gender and experiment with new relational forms.”

Imagine being forced to pay off other people’s student loans in defiance of a Supreme Court ruling so that can moonbats can reimagine gender rather than work.

Speaking of theology, we are reminded again why the LGBT movement chose the rainbow as its symbol. It was already the symbol of God’s promise never again to destroy the world with a flood to punish our sins. The main point of LGBTism is to taunt God.

That’s why liberals ram it down our throats, even in theology courses — or rather, especially in theology courses. Something else moonbattery has appropriated from Christianity is the commandment, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”

On a tip from Franco.


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