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Oct 16 2024

Biden/Harris DoJ Forbids Math Tests

Math is racist. The federal government has spoken:

The Biden-Harris Department of Justice has undertaken a slew of lawsuits against local police and fire departments alleging that it is racist to require hires entrusted with public safety to know basic math.

Democrats believe blacks are too dumb to do math. Therefore, requiring the basic skills required for competence at policing and firefighting would have a “disparate impact” and be racist.

For an example of a math question relevant for firefighters,

One question asks if a building is 350 feet away, how many 60-foot hoses would be needed.

The Biden/Harris Department of Injustice is also suing to stop physical fitness tests on the grounds that they have a disparate impact on women, who for obvious physical reasons don’t always make the best police officers and firefighters.

Last week, Durham, North Carolina was forced to settled with the DoJ:

Durham Fire Department must pay nearly a million dollars to people who failed the test, and hire up to 16 of them.

We already know where this is heading nationally because we have been there at the local level:

After D.C. Mayor Marion Barry made firehouses in the nation’s capital a racial spoils program, firefighters repeatedly turned out to be gun-toting, violent criminals. Public outrage over the hiring program culminated in 2014 after a 77-year old man had a heart attack directly in front of a fire station and begged for help, but none of the firefighters ran to his aid.

Today’s Democrats are not merely tyrants but malevolent, ideologically deranged tyrants who hate American civilization and reality itself. Either we pry them from power, or our society perishes.

On a tip from R F.


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