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Mar 02 2023

Biden Laughs Over Sons Killed by Fentanyl

To get an idea of how much liberal elitists despise the normal Americans whose country they are defiling and destroying, look to their figurehead, Joe Biden:

Rebecca Kiessling’s sons Caleb and Kyler died in 2020 before Biden took office after taking what they thought were pain killers, but that were laced with fentanyl.

Kiessling, who lives in Michigan, testified before Congress earlier this week at a hearing on the escalating fentanyl crisis. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene suggested during the hearing that the boys would be alive if ‘the government secured the border.’

Last night, Biden invoked Kiessling’s story to poke fun at Greene, telling an audience of chuckling Democrats at the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference: ‘The interesting thing is that fentanyl [the boys] took came during the last administration, haha.’

If this tickles your funny bone, you just might be a Democrat:

It is not surprising that Slow Joe graduated near the bottom of his class at Syracuse law school. He lacks the smarts even to grasp that not being directly responsible for the deaths of Caleb and Kyler Kiessling does not absolve him for treasonously inviting an invasion across the southern border, which he refuses to secure.

Wonders Rebecca Kiessling,

‘What about the 22% increase in fentanyl deaths since you became president? That represents tens of thousands of US citizens who died under your watch, an increase in tens of thousands. That represents double that number of the parents who are suffering.

‘You’re going to keep laughing? About those who did die under your watch? Do we have to bring them in so you can look them in the eyes and laugh?’

Biden may well smirk. The dead are one voting bloc Democrats won’t lose.

On tips from Bluto and Varla.


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