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Apr 23 2021

Biden Only Leader at Summit to Wear Mask

How come other countries get to have figureheads who don’t make fools of themselves by virtue-signaling with obviously unnecessary Covid masks, while we’re stuck with Biden?

Biden appeared to be the only world leader wearing a mask during a virtual climate summit hosted by the White House.

Leaders who knew better than to wear a silly mask to an online meeting included Putin, Merkel, Erdogan, and EU leaders Ursula von der Leyen and Charles Michel.

Maybe it wasn’t about Covid. Maybe the inoculated Biden was attempting to suppress his CO2 emissions, to show how seriously he takes the whole climate change farce.

Biden kicked off the proceedings of the two-day summit on Thursday by unveiling a new pledge to cut US emissions in half by 2030. But activists from Extinction Rebellion were unimpressed by his “bull****” plans, dumping cow manure near the White House in protest.

No matter how badly Biden and his anti-American Climate Czar hobble the USA, the militant moonbats whose tune he dances to will sneer at him and demand more.

It would be more sensible if Biden were the only one not wearing a mask at climate summits. That way, the others would not have to hide their derisive smirks as Biden fritters away our economic advantages in lunatic agreements that no one but the USA intends to abide by.

On a tip from Henry.


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5 Responses to “Biden Only Leader at Summit to Wear Mask”

  1. […] been his 151st birthday. Leftists have rebranded this holiday as Earth Day. Tony Heller reports on how Biden celebrated, and explains why observed global warming really is largely caused by […]

  2. […] us. In the video below, he points out that Biden wearing a mask to a virtual summit not only was ludicrous but undermined his limited credibility, and reminds us that we need to know more regarding what the […]

  3. […] us. In the video below, he points out that Biden wearing a mask to a virtual summit not only was ludicrous but undermined his limited credibility, and reminds us that we need to know more regarding what the […]

  4. […] Don’t be surprised if you see Biden wearing one at the next summit of world leaders. […]

  5. […] are the masks? If Biden needs to wear one to a virtual summit of world leaders, surely he should have at least two masks on his face to meet with the 96-year-old Jimmy Carter and […]


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