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Dec 24 2023

Biden Transparency on Chinese Spy Balloon

As it came to power, the Biden Regime promised “transparency.” This was meant in the Orwellian sense:

The Biden administration planned to keep the Chinese spy balloon that traveled across North America this year a secret from the public and even from Congress — and only came clean after civilians saw the massive white orb over Montana, according to a damning new report.

“Before it was spotted publicly, there was the intention to study it and let it pass over and not ever tell anyone about it,” a former senior US official told NBC News Friday, nearly 11 months after the balloon penetrated American airspace and began a meandering week-long tour of sensitive military sites.

Biden failed to respond to the balloon, which might have been sent not only to spy but as a dry run to test the deployment of weapons over US territory.

The ChiComs eating our lunch is a sensitive issue, considering that the Big Guy has been on their payroll.

What other wheels have been coming lose that Biden’s handlers have found it expedient to keep from us? Considering that the media was instrumental in putting him in the White House, don’t expect penetrating investigative reports from establishment journalists. Information only comes to light when it can’t be swept under the rug. We won’t know the full extent of the damage until patriots regain control of the government.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.


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