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May 06 2024

Big Money Backs Even the Kookiest Moonbats

They are clowns; they are losers; they are juvenile, not very bright, and often mentally ill. From Antifa kooks brandishing Tupperware shields to pampered Ivy League brats holding their breath until they turn blue on behalf of Hamas to Extinction Rebellion types trying to destroy famous paintings or gluing themselves to the freeway to improve the weather, it is rarely easy to take leftist foot soldiers seriously. But the purpose they are being applied to is no laughing matter — as confirmed by the money involved.

Consider the conspicuously malevolent Hillary Clinton:

A progressive group founded by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton cut a large check recently to a climate change activist hub financing organizations behind disruptive anti-oil protests, bringing the total cash transfers to at least $500,000, records show.

Onward Together, which Clinton launched after losing the 2016 election, says it’s “committed to lifting up emerging organizations and leaders who are fighting for our shared progressive values and defending our democracy.” That pledge apparently includes funding Climate Emergency Fund, a charity backing groups leading demonstrations to bring awareness to climate change by vandalizing fine art, blocking major roads, gluing themselves to sports cars, and engaging in other extremist forms of protest.

Even the money Shrillary Rotten can bestow is peanuts compared to the riches of Goldman Sachs:

A New York City nonprofit that received more than $12 million from Goldman Sachs’ charitable arm encouraged anti-Israel activists to re-create the violent protests of “the summer of 2020,” just hours before rioters stormed and occupied a building on Columbia University’s campus.

More than 100 masked and keffiyeh-clad activists convened in the People’s Forum’s Manhattan office [last] Monday evening to plan their next moves as anti-Israel protests reach a fever pitch across the country. …

The People’s Forum, a registered charity that describes itself as “a movement incubator for working class and marginalized communities,” has been a mainstay at anti-Israel protests since Hamas’s Oct. 7, 2023, attack on the Jewish state.

You have to be all the way out there to think vandalizing priceless Van Gogh paintings will force civilization to plunge itself into economic collapse in the name of the nonexistent climate crisis. The same goes for taking up the cause of Hamas in response to the terror atrocities of October 7. Crazier still is the money backing these malevolent freaks:

The People’s Forum’s operations are made possible in large part by a $12 million donation from Goldman Sachs’s charitable arm. The source of that money is likely Neville Roy Singham, a communist who has “long admired Maoism.”

Mao killed an estimated 65 million Chinese for the sake of his twisted ideology. There are people who want to do the same to us. Not all of them are smelly Antifa goons living off Hot Pockets in their mom’s basement. Some have money, and money is power.

The revolution Tentifada moonbats bark about is for real. Even some of the most demented among them are well financed because this is a revolution from above.

On tips from R F.


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6 Responses to “Big Money Backs Even the Kookiest Moonbats”

  1. […] Neville Roy Singham, the Maoist who apparently has funded pro-Hamas campus protests to the tune of $12 million, is married to Code Pink head moonbat Jodie […]

  2. […] Neville Roy Singham, the Maoist who apparently has funded pro-Hamas campus protests to the tune of $12 million, is married to Code Pink head moonbat Jodie […]

  3. […] lowlifes turning out in force for Hamas in the aftermath of the October 7 terror atrocities. Like Hillary Clinton and the Maoist Neville Roy Singham, the sinister Pritzker clan is in a position to fling a fortune at pure […]

  4. […] lowlifes turning out in force for Hamas in the aftermath of the October 7 terror atrocities. Like Hillary Clinton and the Maoist Neville Roy Singham, the sinister Pritzker clan is in a position to fling a fortune at pure […]

  5. […] noted previously, the People’s Forum is lavishly financed by American zillionaire Neville Roy […]

  6. […] noted previously, the People’s Forum is lavishly financed by American zillionaire Neville Roy […]


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