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Oct 14 2021

Bill de Blasio Cancels Thomas Jefferson

Decay works fast. America went from being governed by great men like Thomas Jefferson to being ruined by rubbish like Bill de Blasio in only a little over 2 centuries. In an emblematic triumph of the worst over the best, the mayor who has overseen NYC’s precipitous decline is now canceling the author of the Declaration of Independence.

The mayor, who has just three months left in office, is quietly banishing a statue of Thomas Jefferson from City Hall’s Council chambers — where it has resided for the past 187 years, The Post has learned. …

The planned move comes after the mayor charged his wife, first lady Chirlane McCray, with deciding the sculpture’s fate as head of the Commission on Racial Justice and Reconciliation.

De Blasio’s wife is a black former lesbian poetess with an excessively large staff who wasted or embezzled $1.8 billion of taxpayer money that was ostensibly devoted to curing mental illness through ThriveNYC.

The historic Jefferson statue has been offloaded to the New York Historical Society, without public debate.

“The city would still own the plaster model, and the historical society would include it in educational exhibits and provide valuable historical context,” a mayoral spokesman said.

“Valuable historical context” means that if TJ is displayed, it will be in the role of Emmanuel Goldstein for a woke version of the Two Minutes Hate. The Founding Father will be denounced as a racist.

Meanwhile, a replica of the statue by sculptor Pierre-Jean David is still on display in the Capitol Rotunda in Washington, DC.

Biden’s handlers are of de Blasio’s caliber, so the replica is living on borrowed time.

Revisionists’ efforts are in vain. Long after leftists have destroyed America, and the world slips back into the tyranny, poverty, misery, and darkness from which heroes like Jefferson briefly rescued part of it, his name will be revered. No one will remember Bill de Blasio or his wife.

On a tip from Jack D.


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