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Nov 02 2023

British BLM Grifter Xahra Saleem Jailed

Liberals celebrated hatred of Caucasians and Western Civilization by donating many $millions to Black Lives Matter scumbags as they looted and burned. Inevitably, most of this money was brazenly misappropriated. You don’t hear much about legal consequences. Britain’s Xahra Saleem is a welcome exception:

A woman who organised the Black Lives Matter protest that toppled the statue of Edward Colston has been jailed after spending more than £30,000 donated to a youth charity on Ubers, an iPhone and computer, beauty products and takeaways.

Merchant and philanthropist Edward Colston was a Member of Parliament 300 years ago. Like a lot of people at the time, he was involved in the slave trade. That is now the only thing that defines him. Before long, having been white will be the only thing that defines him and enough to justify his erasure.

David Thompson has background on Xahra Saleem:

Saleem, formerly Yvonne Maina, is a co-founder of the activist group All Black Lives Bristol, and was hailed by Rife magazine as one of Bristol’s “most influential under-30s.” Ms Saleem’s merry band of megaphone-waving statue-topplers have been the subject of endless gushing and deferential commentary, with the local university subsequently promising to “decolonise” All Of The Oppressive Things.

Discarded placards and assorted detritus from the group’s protests were fondled reverentially by staff of the local museum and stored for later worship as holy artefacts.

Maina I mean “Saleem” managed to blow £5,800 on Uber rides alone.

No matter; the woke fools who gave her the money supposedly to send deprived youth on a trip to Africa got what they actually paid for: the sensation of smug self-righteousness liberals achieve by throwing money at people who hate them for being white. If only they threw it at people who hate them for being moonbats.

On a tip from Steve T.


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One Response to “British BLM Grifter Xahra Saleem Jailed”

  1. […] Floyd not having been killed by the by-the-book police officer Derek Chauvin. We know that BLM is a con, and that the $millions upon $millions shoveled at it by liberal fools and woke corporations have […]


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