California Expands Medical Insurance for Illegal Aliens
Illegal aliens have suffered oppression, because to obtain extravagantly expensive medical care at our expense, they have had to sit around clogging up the emergency room — until now:
Undocumented adults [i.e., illegal aliens] between the ages of 26 and 49 in California will qualify for health insurance under the state’s Medi-Cal program beginning Monday, provided they meet eligibility requirements for the program, which is designed to insure low income residents.
If you thought the first eligibility requirement for this taxpayer-funded benefit would be being in the country legally, think again.
This move expands the state’s health insurance coverage to include all undocumented immigrants—the state previously only covered undocumented children, those between 19 and 25 and those 50 years and older.
This expansion—which was approved in legislation in May—will make around an additional 700,000 undocumented residents eligible for health insurance, according to California State Sen. María Elena Durazo.
Note that this is a rosy estimate from a Democrat. Actual numbers will be higher and climb rapidly.
The same is true for the cost. Open your wallets, American citizens. Someone has to pay for this:
The California Health and Human Services Agency will provide $835.6 million in funding between 2023 and 2024, and $2.6 billion annually to expand Medi-Cal to residents regardless of immigration status.
Where California will get the money is unclear. Productive citizens are escaping Democrat rule for places like Texas and Florida. The erstwhile Golden State already has a $68 billion deficit.
Before long, a federal bailout will be required. For a longer term solution, we can put Gavin Newsom in charge of the whole country. Then he can provide free healthcare for all non-Americans everywhere, and pay for it through inflation by printing more money.
Participation in the program won’t hurt a person’s immigration status because the Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services doesn’t consider receipt of health, food or housing benefits a part of the public charge determination, the release says.
You read that correctly.
Democrats are deliberately importing massive numbers of illegal aliens who will vote for a living while sponging off the welfare state. We have already seen that illegal aliens make heavier use of welfare than people who are in the country legally.
Within the lives of many of us, California produced Governor Ronald Reagan. Now look at it. This horrific transformation was accomplished by encouraging mass immigration, much of it illegal. So naturally Democrats are throwing their successful strategy into overdrive.
On tips from Bluto and Ed McAninch.
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[…] has massively expanded the free healthcare it provides illegal aliens, despite a $68 billion deficit. Among the […]