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Category: Regulation

Jul 18 2021

Biden Regime Tightens Regulations on Taking a Shower

Democrats’ petty tyrant regulations follow you everywhere — even into the shower:

Biden is ditching showerhead rules put in place by former President Donald Trump that allowed more water to flow out of a shower per minute. …

Biden is also attempting to eliminate the definition of “body spray” Trump adopted, which was described as a “shower device for spraying onto a bather other than from the overhead position.” Trump argued a “body spray” should not fall under the umbrella of a showerhead, hence, it should not be subject to the 2.5 gallon limit.

The Tenth Amendment specifies that the powers not explicitly delegated to the federal government are reserved to the states or to the people. But I can’t find the part in the Constitution where it delegates to Biden’s handlers the power to dictate whether we can have a some water pressure with our showers.

Most infuriating is how they pretend their dictates are for our own good. The Department of Energy says we will save money if we use less water. If people wanted to save money by using less water, the free market would eagerly supply shower nozzles with reduced water flow.

The main point is the same as with literally everything Democrats do: to increase power over us so that even the most trivial aspects of existence conform to their coercive will.

On a tip from Chuck A.

Jul 13 2021

Don’t Ask Permission

If it were up to bureaucrats, nothing would ever change, except that government would grow ever larger, devouring ever more of our wealth and freedom. Already the US government is so obscenely hypertrophied that progress only occurs when it is evaded or opposed. To get anywhere requires defying the authorities.

A few people like Elon Musk are still able to get away with this. Others merely get crushed by the Leviathan.

Unless we reverse course, government will grow so massive that nothing will happen anywhere without permission in advance from our bureaucratic overlords. At that point, we will have nothing to look forward to but tyranny and atrophy.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Apr 03 2021

Regulation Overload Smothers America’s Potential

This isn’t the same country that built the Empire State Building in 15 months. Technologically, we are far ahead of where we were when the classic skyscraper opened in 1931. Culturally, we have decayed to the point that we no longer have the will to prevent petty tyrants from binding us head to foot in red tape.

John Stossel and Peter Thiel lament the wasted potential:

It isn’t possible to build high or travel fast with Big Government’s foot on your face.

The ChiCom virus vaccines came out as fast as they did largely because Operation Warp Speed reduced regulatory hurdles. What are the odds of that happening under the Biden’s Handlers Administration?

On a tip from KirklesWorth.


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