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May 05 2021

Chauvin Juror Revealed as Black Lives Matter Enthusiast

It was clear all along that the Derek Chauvin trial was not a legal proceeding but a political spectacle. Two of the charges were preposterous, and there was never any chance that he would receive a fair trial in a venue where everyone knew that the city would be burned down by leftist thugs if they did not reach the desired verdict. Powerful Democrat Maxine Waters actually traveled to Minneapolis to inflame the mob and to clarify its demands. The President of the United States was irresponsible enough to weigh in. We already knew it was a travesty of justice. Now we learn that one of the jurors, Brandon Mitchell, was a Black Lives Matter activist before the trial began — that is, he was essentially part of the same lynch mob that terrorized the other jurors into reaching their quick decision:

During jury selection, Brandon Mitchell — a 31-year-old high school basketball coach who was known as Juror #52 before speaking publicly last week — told Judge Peter Cahill that he only heard “basic info” about the high-profile case, and was certainly not aware of any information that would hinder his ability to serve as an impartial juror.

However, Mitchell was pictured last August wearing a T-shirt that included references to George Floyd’s death and Black Lives Matter.

The picture shows Mitchell wearing a shirt with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s picture surrounded by the words “GET YOUR KNEE OFF OUR NECKS” and “BLM.” He is also seen wearing a Black Lives Matter baseball cap.

An equivalent would be if an O.J. Simpson juror had been photographed wearing KKK robes and burning a cross on someone’s yard — the main difference being that O.J. was guilty.

Chauvin has filed a motion for a new trial which does not explicitly mention Mitchell evidently lying on the jury questionnaire.

It is doubtful that Chauvin directly caused Floyd’s death. The manslaughter charge may have had merit. The second- and third-degree murder charges did not. No matter; Chauvin would have been found guilty no matter what the charge. He was not being tried as an individual who committed an individual act, but as a symbol of what people like Mitchell fanatically hate.

What is on trial now is our system of justice. Can it withstand the onslaught of Black Lives Matter moonbattery? Does it still matter whether defendants are innocent or guilty, or only whether they are politically favored or disfavored? Until Chauvin gets the fair trial that all Americans deserve, we will have to assume the latter.

Behold the impartial juror on the right:

On tips from ABC of the ANC, Varla, and Kirklesworth.


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