Climate Czar John Kerry Spews Carbon Massively
John Kerry is the Climate Czar, in charge of dramatically lowering our standard of living in the name of the global warming hoax so as to advance the totalitarian dream of a Great Reset. Let them eat solar panels, he drones at those whose jobs are senselessly destroyed. Meanwhile, his own carbon emissions are gargantuan:
Data compiled by the flight tracking firm FlightAware and obtained by Fox News show that John Kerry’s family Gulfstream GIV-SP spent around 22 hours and 22 minutes in the air over the past year.
This produced an estimated 116 metric tons of supposedly problematic carbon over an 11-month period.
For comparison, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that the typical passenger vehicle emits about 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year.
If you want to spew carbon, indulgent private jets are a great way to do it.
Private jets have been estimated to emit upward of 40 times as much carbon per passenger as commercial flights.
No worries. Kerry will make up for producing vastly more carbon with his jet than the average car by helping to make energy unaffordable for the little people his class rules.
The emissions estimate comes as Democrats consider massive proposals for overhauling the nation’s energy economy with potentially skyrocketing costs for households and individual Americans. … Biden’s plan aims for the type of economy-wide transformation advocated by more [openly] left-leaning members of his party.
The plan features the insane objective of net-zero harmless carbon emissions by 2050.
[T]he Heritage Foundation … estimated that just a 58 percent reduction would, by 2040, cost the economy $15 trillion in lost gross domestic product and an average of 1.1 million jobs per year. The average family of four would also see a total income loss of $165,000, or nearly $8,000 each year.
The French Revolution was a terrible chapter in human history, the antithesis of mankind’s greatest moment, the American Revolution. Yet it easy to see why sending the elite to the guillotine had a powerful appeal.
On a tip from Varla.
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[…] under his state’s Republican Governor Charlie Baker, who rebuked him for the remark. If carbon-spewing Federal Climate Czar John Kerry ever perishes from excessive Botox leaking into his brain, Ismay […]
[…] crisis will become the new normal. Important people like John Kerry need to fly across the world on private jets to collect rewards, but why should us little people be allowed to fly at all when it might offend […]